
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quit Smoking With Smokeless Image E-cigs & have more money to spend on yarn:)


One of the hardest things to do is to quit smoking. It is the one habit that you'll wish you never started.  I had been smoking for 24 years. With the help of Electronic Cigs from Smokeless Image I have been finally able to kick the habit.

Electronic Ecigs or another name for them is Personal Vaporizers. The vapor that you inhal while smoking or the preferred term is Vaping is a water based solution consisting of your choice of nicotine (0mg -24mg), and Propylene Glycol and a flavor you chose. If you choose Zero nicotine the cartridge holds simply water, Propylene Glycol and flavor additives. Propylene Glycol is a common additive (also used in toothpaste, mouthwash, moisturizer and many other common products). Compare E-cig to the chemicals found in tobacco cigarettes & I am sure you will agree Vaping is the healthier choice. Not to mention you'll be breathing better. I know I am:)

The most important thing is your health plus all the money you save is a really good thing. That means all the more money I can spend on yarn or if yarn is not your thing spend that extra money on something you enjoy:)

I Started out with the Volt - Standard Starter Kit $44.95 from the web site Smokeless Image witch includes 2 rechargeable lithium ion batteries 5 Filter Tips in selected Flavor and Strength. One USB Charger & One USB Wall Adapter with a 3 Month Warranty! I find this site the best to use because it is the most affordable plus they have great service & the delivery time was great.

The flavor Ice menthol Is my flavor of choice because I was smoking Peter Jackson Menthol. I also like the Choclate & Cherry.

I upgraded to the Volt X2 Battery Passthrough battery & I also got the Volt - USB 3.6v Passthrough Battery that you can use plugged into you laptop or Volt - USB Wall Adapter but make sure you get the right Volt - USB Wall Adapter. The Volt - USB Wall Adapter from the  Standard Starter Kit does not work with the USB 3.6v Passthrough Battery witch i learned after trying to use with it & it didn't work so make sure you get the Volt - USB Wall Adapter 1.5A & the Car Charger if you want to use it in the car. This will save the life of your Volt X2 Battery.

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